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PostHeaderIcon JEROME WEIDENFELD of SHUTESBURY & HOLYOKE, MA, September 6, 1926 – August 12, 2014

Holyoke, MA – Jerome Weidenfeld, 87, passed away peacefully this past Tuesday morning August 12, 2014, at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home.  He was a first generation American, born on September 6, 1926 in the Bronx, NYC to Fannie Goltzman and Saul Weidenfeld.

He now joins his late wife Barbara Louise (Diehl) Weidenfeld at the Jewish Community of Amherst Cemetery in Shutesbury. He leaves behind three sons, Robert Weidenfeld of Davis, California, David Weidenfeld of Easthampton, MA and Mark ‘Moshe’ Weidenfeld of Brooklyn, NY and their respective spouses as well as four grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.

Jerry attended Stuyvesant High School in NYC but left before he graduated to enlist in the Army Air Force in 1944.  He was later given an honorable discharge after a tragic car crash in which his mother and uncle were killed and his father was critically injured.  At age 21, he married his first wife Evelyn Pytel and had a son, Robert. 

Some years after Evelyn’s death due to illness, he met and later married Barbara in 1960 and had two sons David and Mark (Moshe) and settled in Massapequa, Long Island.  Jerry worked as a machinist/electrician and later as an industrial arts teacher in the New York City Public schools.  During these years, Jerry developed his skills as a craftsman, working with pottery, ceramics, and jewelry. 

The family later relocated to Amherst where Jerry worked at the TRW factory in South Hadley and later as a custodian at the University of Massachusetts. He sold his crafts at various art shows and he was a regular vendor at the campus center at UMass.  In addition to his talent with crafts, Jerry loved music and taught himself to play the mandolin, guitar and most notably, the harmonica, which he continued to play until the last week of his life.

Jerome had a life long passion for issues of social justice and along with both of his wives had participated in such causes as the Civil Rights movement, the Vietnam anti-war movement, and working for freedom for Soviet Jewry. He and Barbara were members of the Amherst chapter of the ACLU and taught ESL together at the UMass workplace education program in their later years.  Jerome was also a skilled handyman, designing and helping to build a home in Shutesbury, where he and Barbara lived for many years.

Shortly after losing Barbara in February, 2013 he became a resident at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home where he lived for the remainder of his days. Obituary and memorial register at

Service details, Social networking, Memorial Guestbook and Slideshow are available here.

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